Research on Creativity

Research on Creativity & Entrepreneurship

With the goal of preparing all children to be next-generation innovators and problem-solvers, our programs focus on developing skills and attitudes in two key domains: creativity and 21st Century skills; and entrepreneurial thinking and innovation. These skills and attitudes are both cognitive and social-emotional, and have far-reaching effects on a child’s participation in school, life and future work.

The kind of knowledge children most need is the knowledge that will help them get more knowledge.

~ Seymour Papert

Value of Creativity & 21st Century Skills

“There is a profound gap between the knowledge and skills most students learn in school and the knowledge and skills they need in typical 21st century communities and workplaces,” according to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21). To realign educational priorities, P21 recommends fusing more traditional content knowledge with the “4 C’s”: critical thinking and problem solving; communication, collaboration; and creativity and innovation.

Download P21’s 21st Century Skill Framework

Value of Entrepreneurial Thinking & Innovation

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Other Data & Research

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