The day before we launch, we’re still working on the film and trying to get this website built!

Several sleepless days, and an exhausted team. We’ve been working long hours to try and finish the launch film and get something functional together for the website. Today, I’m doing the sound mix, supervising FX for the closing shot, and then trying to stop-motion animate a cardboard arcade morphing into a robot and a rocket ship. Meanwhile, Harley, Alice, and team are beta testing this website and making long lists of priority bugs to fix. The rest of our team is focussed on coordinating Global Cardboard Challenge events with field organizers, who have already started organizing over 100 events in 22 Countries, even before this website is finished.

At 8am, after staying up all night to get an edit rendered for our sound mix, i spotted this Cardboard Pegasus posted by @vivi0202 on twitter, and it totally made my day.

Our goal is to be able to launch tomorrow. Tuesday at the latest. Then maybe a quick nap!

September 09, 2012 at 2:26pm